Ved Stranden 10 Vinhandel og Bar i København

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DanmarkVed Stranden 10 Vinhandel og Bar



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10, Ved Stranden, 1061, København, DK Dinamarca
kontakter telefon: +45 35 42 40 40
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6773037, Longitude: 12.5816045

kommentar 5

  • Steven Joe

    Steven Joe


    An amazing little wine bar that makes you feel like you’re in someone’s home. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. Lots of locals. They have a deep selection of Austrian wines and French wines. The bar used to be one of the oldest tea houses in Copenhagen. When the weather is nice they have a great patio overlooking the river and sights of the city. If you’re really good they will show you the cellar.

  • Alex D

    Alex D


    Great wine bar - the setting is very chic and stylish with beautiful vintage Danish furniture pieces everywhere. The wine glasses are Zalto, spectacular and airy. Wines selection is great, although there are no New World wines.

  • Erik Hedborg

    Erik Hedborg


    Quiet and nice wine bar. Very nice and friendly staff who will help you find a wine you like. I wouldn't mind looking at a wine list though but overall a very nice place with excellent wines.

  • Johannes Thiel

    Johannes Thiel


    Such an amazing spot for natural wine. My favourite bar in Copenhagen. Staff is very helpful and can guide you through their selection of wine and also offers very nice food and cheese to go with the wine Ved Stranden 10 has an outdoor seating area where you can watch the canal boats pass by. I would also highly recommend taking a tour with one of the canal boats after a few glasses of wine. They offer a very interesting view of the city

  • Holos Poblete

    Holos Poblete


    Vinoteca con rancio estilo que tienen buenos vinos, el personal muy agradable. La cocina muy mal situada al lado de los servicios.

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