Maritime Antiques & i København

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DanmarkMaritime Antiques &



🕗 åbningstider

15, Toldbodgade, 1253, København, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 33 12 12 57
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6805498, Longitude: 12.5919154

kommentar 5

  • Eric Moon

    Eric Moon


    Trendy revival of Danish maritime heydays in this creative, inspiring concept store.

  • Hans Quivooy

    Hans Quivooy


    Excellent store, it's a mix of hand made clothing and antiques with a nautical theme, a real gem to browse around!

  • en

    Emma Garland


    A delightful nautical shop, my partner found his perfect linen jacket made by a local tailor. A wonderful find, I want to go back!

  • Robert Rovinsky

    Robert Rovinsky


    As if the inventory of this fabulous little shop weren't sufficiently attractive to draw you in and keep you there for what feels like hours, the gentleman who owns and runs Maritime Antiques is the most informative, friendly and well-spoken host imaginable. We were interested in the Campomoggi bags, of which he has the largest, most varied selection we've seen anywhere, and eventually came away with one of them, but not before being taken on a delightful guided, very authoritative tour of the clothing on offer, including a number of Mister Freedom pieces and several examples of mens' wear by Aase Helena Hansen, a Norwegian-Swedish designer working in Denmark. Absolutely spectacular. Oh, and we couldn't help buying a beautiful shirt as well. As for the maritime items in the name of the shop, it would require an additional chapter to describe them. Visit this great shop, even if you're not in a buying mood. You'll come away a happier person than when you opened the door, I promise.

  • Frank Kuks

    Frank Kuks


    Its so much more than an antiques store! Please do not be deceived by the name. If you fancy very well made clothes by local designers + a bit or two by Mister Freedom, do pay this store a visit. I spent a lovely hour there and ended up the happy owner of several items of clothing. Will return, would recommend to anyone.

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