Track Bike Shop ApS i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkTrack Bike Shop ApS



🕗 åbningstider

2, Rantzausgade, 2200, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 32 11 69 12
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6853549, Longitude: 12.5531731

kommentar 5

  • Callum Goodyear

    Callum Goodyear


    Needed new drop bars for my fixed gear that I built from the ground up, the owner of the shop is very knowledgeable and helpful, I managed to get a great deal on some Cinelli bars. You'll be hard pushed to find fixed gear specific components in other bike shops in Copenhagen as they tend to be more focused towards regular commuter bikes. TL;DR: good selection of fixed specific gear, even better staff!

  • Lewis bedford

    Lewis bedford


    I don't know what I'm doing, but they do.

  • Rasmus Balsløv Jørgensen

    Rasmus Balsløv Jørgensen


    I like TBS a lot! Usually always stock those small annoying bits that you need for a project or whatever. Very helpful and nice staff. It's always an enjoyable experience.

  • Eetu Pajala

    Eetu Pajala


    Bike shop run by a legendary local ex-messenger - you don't come here for parts, you come here for approval. Oh yeah, and they have the sweetest ever big old smelly shop dog, one extra star for him.

  • Marcus Dahlqvist

    Marcus Dahlqvist


    I bought two wheels and a crank. The guy working there was friendly and professional. He gave me some advise and helped me. Since I live in Norway he changed the cogs to get an easier ratio. The store is not one of those Mc Donald's bike stores, but true bicycle aficionado store. I think it is worth a visit if your in the neighbor hood.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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