Loke Cykler i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkLoke Cykler



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10, Nørrebrogade, 2200, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 35 37 15 90
internet side: www.lokecykler.dk
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Latitude: 55.6875575, Longitude: 12.5620125

kommentar 5

  • Ako Kurnosenko

    Ako Kurnosenko


    It's a great looking place but if your bike is bigger or heavier than Christiania bike, I would not bring it there, they sent me away with my flat tire cargo bike. Staff was partly friendly, quality is probably ok.

  • en

    Chris Cave


    Absolutely outrageous. Charged 500kr for changing a chain. The chain was 200kr and the labour was 300kr

  • Axel Thieffry

    Axel Thieffry


    Bought a brand new Trek Zektor 2 on a Friday, great advice and customer service. The next Monday the chain jumps and the whole read derailleur gets into the wheel and goes a full 360° with it, I am still puzzled about how this happened. Bring the bike on Monday 4PM to the shop, next day 1PM it is fully repaired with new original rear derailleur and full re-adjustment, for no charge. This is my second pretty good bike I have bought at this shop (1st got stolen), and I cannot recommend them enough.

  • Michael Wiesinger

    Michael Wiesinger


    Irritated and unmotivated staff, also overpriced, but I guess they cna charge it with the good location.

  • en

    Johannes Dessau


    Paid for a new inner tube. They installed one many sizes too large, so large they had to fold it to make it fit. No way it could be a mistake, they gave me the wrong part and hoped I wouldn't notice. High prices for poor service and parts. Take your business elsewhere.

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