Skt. Petri i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSkt. Petri



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22, Krystalgade, 1172, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 45 91 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.680663, Longitude: 12.571947

kommentar 5

  • Johan Faerch

    Johan Faerch


    Anonymous looking hotel which opens up into an experience once you enter. Very friendly and helpful staff, newly renovated rooms and delicious food. Minibar included in the suite and the bar has great selection and personal service by the mixologist. The staff was overall an extremely pleasant experience. From the bell boy to the front desk, waiters and bartender they were all genuinely interested in what they had to offer and your wellbeing. Personal and present service at its best.

  • en

    Rhys Gregory


    Great place! Staff are extremely helpfull/friendly. The room was amazing! Really good location to explore, close to a range of restaurants and tourist attractions.

  • en

    Bhavesh Champaneri


    Fantastic hotel located in a great and convenient location. The hotel itself feels elegant as soon as you walk in and the staff are super helpful. The room I stayed was amazing, great size, great bed and tge bathrooms are awesome. The bar inside is definitely worth having a relaxing drink in to unwind. Definitely recommend.

  • Danae Pessarra

    Danae Pessarra


    Now that I’ve stayed here a few times I can definitely say that the entire experience is wonderful. Great location, tasteful art and great beds :) I also recommend upgrading to the premium deluxe suite as it is spacious and really well worth it. It also has a splendid tub!

  • en

    Hauwa Aliyu


    Great hotel and great costumer care. Very central location close to the metro station, bus and trainstation. The room were very clean and I loved that the bathroom was huge! Breakfast was also very good. Will definitely go back anytime am in Denmark!

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