Richmond Hotel i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkRichmond Hotel



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33, Vester Farimagsgade, 1606, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 12 33 66
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.67856, Longitude: 12.5624789

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ryan Rosenberry


    I stayed at the Richmond for 8 nights and had an excellent time. My room was clean, quiet, and well appointed with coffee, tea, and toiletries. The front desk staff were friendly and went out of their way to provide helpful suggestions and orient me to the attractions in the surrounding neighborhoods. I plan on visiting Copenhagen again and I will definitely consider staying at the Richmond.

  • Scantei Dragos

    Scantei Dragos


    Good breakfast but small room. It's quite conveniently located near the center. On the last floor it has a balcony for all the rooms.

  • Svend Dalgaard

    Svend Dalgaard


    Centrally located tourist class hotel. Close to the downtown entertainment district and within walking distance of the world famous Tivoli gardens. Around the corner from the tranquil lakes park with running paths and picnic areas.

  • Isaac nii tettey tetteh

    Isaac nii tettey tetteh


    A very serene place with a lot of character. Located close to Nørreport train station hence transportation is not a problem. Very helpful receptionist in every word of it.

  • en

    Sine Hamilton


    Room was quite dated and basic, but the hotel is currently under renovation, and looks like it will be a lovely place to stay. Staff very friendly and helpful- they let us check in early as we had arrived from an early morning flight. Great location, we were able to walk around to all of the sights.

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