SimpleBed Hostel i Aarhus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSimpleBed Hostel


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86, Åboulevarden, 8000, Aarhus, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 53 23 21 89
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Latitude: 56.156368, Longitude: 10.204155

kommentar 5

  • Federico Bonaldo

    Federico Bonaldo


    Very clean and comfortable room with a large bed, no reception but the key system is a good one (with combinations). Recommended.

  • Trexcie Lee

    Trexcie Lee


    A hostel with a comfortable spacious bed, dormitory style.They offer as well a private room but currently under renovation... it's located very close to the city's shopping area and just a 10-12 minutes walk away from the bus station.

  • Flemming Rorvang

    Flemming Rorvang


    You get what you pay for. The bed where clean although the rest looks decent for the price. Creative payment and key solution. But it works.

  • Filip Fot

    Filip Fot


    I loved the private double room which is not that expensive compared to the prices of shared rooms. Clean bed sheets and bathroom. Having an apple TV is really nice if it's raining outside. Great hostel.

  • Mattia Testuzza

    Mattia Testuzza


    Best place to stay in Aarhus! One room with super-size bunk beds and just few people, it is like stay at home with friends! Other then the bedroom there is a kitchen and a huge living room with cozy couches and big TV (Netflix!) Super clean and top quality. The icing on the cake is the young couple that runs the place!

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