Ferdinand Hotel – Bar – Restaurant i Aarhus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkFerdinand Hotel – Bar – Restaurant


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28, Åboulevarden, 8000, Aarhus, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 87 32 14 44
internet side: www.hotelferdinand.dk
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Latitude: 56.1551634, Longitude: 10.2105692

kommentar 5

  • Andy Haig

    Andy Haig


    Really excellent food served by nice people

  • Robert Christiansen

    Robert Christiansen


    Great atmosphere, love the rib eye, professional waitress with a pleasant attitude

  • Tom Malling

    Tom Malling


    Perfect tasteful lunch and then they serve DECAF Coffee. THANKS. We got the "Chef's plade" with 5 small dishes, all of which were beautiful and tasted amazing. Lovely Italian wine. And DECAF Coffee. We get it everywhere in New York, Rome and Oslo, but not in Copenhagen and Aarhus. We got all we wanted, even very nice service. We will come again.

  • en

    Dennis Juhler Aagaard


    Always a nice experience to stay at this Hotel. Nice rooms and good breakfast which is not overhwelming but small and good, with great Coffee. The staff is very friendly and with a great approach to the guest. I noticed at check-out how a nice high class elderly chap, got the white glove treatment very professional and I as a completely opposite got a friendly down to earth treatment with lots of small køles. Highly appriciated.

  • Fernanda Rodella

    Fernanda Rodella


    Wonderful 3 course meal, great service. Highly recommended!

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