Køge & Vallo Camping i Køge

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkKøge & Vallo Camping



🕗 åbningstider

102, Strandvejen, 4600, Køge, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 56 65 28 51
internet side: www.valloecamping.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.4457287, Longitude: 12.191782

kommentar 5

  • en



    While driving to Copenhagen at around 10pm we booked a small room on the camping spot for around 450 DKK. When we arrived at the spot, no one was there and neither did I receive a booking confirmation. It was 11pm by then and I did not call the number that said "emergency number" on it, because I assumed it would be for "real" emergencies. We just moved on to a hostel close by and assumed that no payment was deducted because we did not check-in, sleep there or receive a booking confirmation. Two weeks later I checked my credit card payments and saw that the money has been deducted anyway. After asking twice to get the money back and not getting a positive answer I decided to let other customers know about that. Customer service is obviously not the best at this place...

  • en

    Victor B


    Nice camping lovely people, very close (walking distance) to the little town called køge with a small store and some restaurants. Close to the beach. Quite close to the railway tracks which can be a bit loud from time to time but nothing more then a small annoyance

  • Geert Loosveld

    Geert Loosveld


    Great and anonymous camping visited mostly by shortstaying visitors on the road to greater Scandinavia. Close to the Copenhagen city centre and the small Koge centre nearby. Cross busy road to reach sandy beach.

  • en

    Jesse Mäkinen


    Quite nice. Seemed very popular.

  • Christoph Wolff

    Christoph Wolff


    Exzellent Camping Site , perfect for families and Trips to Kopenhagen.

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