Corona Camping near Køge i Borup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCorona Camping near Køge


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1, Coronavej, 4140, Borup, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 20 68 40 70
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.4646997, Longitude: 11.9438074

kommentar 5

  • da

    Solvejg Hessner Nielsen


    Det er bare et dejlig sted ude i naturen og ved the huset dyndet og malerklæmmen prøvdet set er penge vær og god hygge

  • Mark Sunhill

    Mark Sunhill


    This place is a bit more for long-stay instead of holiday short stay camping.

  • Stefan Kuizenga

    Stefan Kuizenga


    Although the owners were very nice, we were stationed... no... more like squashed between season caravans which were green of algae or surrounded by other rubbish. When making ready for sleeping the owner of the caravan next to us came in by car. We were standing on his parking location! It was a big transition for us staying on a camping side like this, while we had all the space in the world before in Sweden. I hope the owner realizes that the pricing is not in line with the services. For the kids there was a small playing ground with some animals, which was nice.

  • Andréa M. Jensen

    Andréa M. Jensen


    Good camping site, nice trails and a lake around, good restaurant

  • Mathias Esmann

    Mathias Esmann


    Fantastic place, a lot of nice people there, and a cafe.

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