High Voltage i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkHigh Voltage


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8H, Gothersgade, 1123, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 55.682343, Longitude: 12.58502

kommentar 5

  • Ceenth



    Standard dad-rock "metal club". Way too loud music and bartenders that are hired to be pretty instead of professional.

  • Martin Jensen

    Martin Jensen


    Great and unique place. My kind of music. :)

  • Odin Laugesen Madsen

    Odin Laugesen Madsen


    Awesome rockbar!!! Go if you love rock and metal!!

  • Vigo Vigomand

    Vigo Vigomand


    For stupid poeple by stupid poeple. Bad tast all round, namely the sordid bar dancing girls. So not Danish.

  • Steve Cross

    Steve Cross


    Saw a couple of smaller bands, the Petulant and Statement. The venue only really allowed for around 5 or 6 rows deep. The drinks were farily priced and the sound was good. The only downside I had from a logistical point of view was that the stage and viewing area was between the bar and the front door. Since people were in and out to smoke, it was hard for them people to get through the crowd

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