My Fair Ladies i København

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DanmarkMy Fair Ladies



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11, Mikkel Bryggers Gade, 1460, København, DK Dinamarca
kontakter telefon: +45
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6763828, Longitude: 12.5715296

kommentar 5

  • Jonas Axelsen

    Jonas Axelsen


    Fantastisk stemning. Jeg fik en virkelig dejlig velkomst af Christian, som fandt en plads og stol frem til mig, trods en meget fuld bar. Christian var meget opmærksom og hurtig til at servere. ☺️👍

  • Dísa Bjarnadóttir

    Dísa Bjarnadóttir


    Went because our AirbNB host gave us a coupon for free cocktails, the atmosphere was cozy yet fun, for non smokers it might be a bit much that you can smoke in there, but as smokers we were happy with it. Bartender was super nice and attentive, music was good and we loved the old videos on the TVs. Cute place, not too loud so you can hear each other talk but still fun.

  • Justin Ervin

    Justin Ervin


    My husband and I went here while in Copenhagen on our honeymoon and had a wonderful time! This might be the most fun time I have ever had in a bar — certainly the most fun in Copenhagen! The concept — all show tunes all the time — might be off-putting to those not fans of Broadway or West End musicals, but it’s a tonne of kitschy fun! The drinks were very good — not watered-down — and the other patrons were friendly. What really makes this place is the awesome staff, particularly Kim and Martin, who positively went out of their way to make sure that we were comfy, having fun, and not being bothered by any drunk Norwegians. ;-) If there was one damper on the two evenings that we spent at My Fair Ladies, it was the oppressive cigarette smoke that envelopes you and infiltrates your clothing to serve as a consistent reminder of your fun evening until laundry day; I don’t feel right giving this establishment fewer stars because of it, however, because this was a problem in all the bars that we visited in Copenhagen. Were I to find myself in Copenhagen again, however, I would definitely return!

  • en

    David North


    We popped in for a quick drink at 5.30pm on Wednesday and didn’t leave until well after 11 pm. A fantastic venue, really friendly staff and made lots of new friends. A definite spot to pop into if you’re travelling through Copenhagen. Karaoke was a hoot!

  • Michael Fisher

    Michael Fisher


    This was a really fun little bar. On our last night in Copenhagen, we had dinner at a local place and they recommended we check this out before heading back to our hotel. Best decision ever. From the staff to the other bar patrons, everyone was so friendly and it was a really fun atmosphere.

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