Gorm's in Magstræde i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkGorm's in Magstræde



🕗 åbningstider

16, Magstræde, 1204, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 60 40 12 01
internet side: www.gormspizza.dk
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Latitude: 55.6763042, Longitude: 12.5751256

kommentar 5

  • Patricia Roth

    Patricia Roth


    Yum pizza, cozy place and nice waiters. We didn’t wait long for our pizza and the prices were totally fine. If you’re looking for pizza with a good thin dough and special toppings, here’s the place you should go!

  • Michael Kratzmann

    Michael Kratzmann


    This place is really cosy. They have sweet homemade lemonade and awesome pizza. Even glutenfree or vegitarian. Service was okay

  • en

    Pablo Rey


    The food was not bad, but the waitress was rude, we waited 45 minutes for our meal and it was very expensive for the quality of the food. They even made us pay for the tap Water (And It was not cheap) without telling us before that It was not free. Bad experience

  • Frederik Ploug Winthereik

    Frederik Ploug Winthereik


    Cozy location in the old center of Copenhagen. Nice pizzas and wine! Loved their tiramisu.

  • Pedro Correia

    Pedro Correia


    Simple, cozy and soulful. This is on of the most "hygge" restaurants in Copenhagen. The service is great, the pizzas are tasteful and the ingredients fresh. The wine options are adequate and the price is moderate for danish standards. Ideal for a small group of people or for a date.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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