Nibon Ya Sushi i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkNibon Ya Sushi



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15, Vesterbrogade, 1620, København, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 33 31 17 02
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.673122, Longitude: 12.5601661

kommentar 5

  • en

    Audrey S


    Really good ration price / quality! All you can eat sushi train for 169kk (at night). Carefull tho of 2 things : they are charging 20kk for a glass of tap water and they are closing at 10pm so try to be there around 9pm if you want to have more variety of sushi. The sushi are good. You can also have hot soup, veggies, fruits and cakes for the dessert.

  • en

    Alexis Wildman


    Good value and service and fresh sushi- yum

  • Lily Kim

    Lily Kim


    Friendly staff and fair prices for what you're getting. I ordered number 272 and it was super delicious!! At around 12 during a weekday I was the only one there during the beginning until someone else showed up when I was about to leave. Quite peaceful and quiet if you want that to start off the day with. Might be more busy later.

  • pink40279



    Non giapponesi il locale gestito da cinesi il cibo non era male abbastanza buono le zuppe il sushi non fatto da giapponesi é quello che é.... grandi porzioni no giapponese parlano posto carino abbastanza cortesi fanno un po i finti tontoli sbraito che non ti capiscono ridono un po troppo tra loro ma del resto lo consiglio era pulito in ordine decorazioni carine 😀 abbastanza buoni prezzi lo consiglio 😏

  • Bechir Jendoubi

    Bechir Jendoubi


    Horrible! Service nul, une des pires expériences. Conseil: passez votre chemin. Les 2 nanas qui travaillent dans ce restaurant ne parlent pas anglais, du coup super compliqué de comprendre ce qu’on voulait. Ils se sont trompés dans la commande en oubliant la salade d’algue, celle ci nous a été servie après les plats chauds, mais impossible de la renvoyer. La serveuse ultra agressive, nous insultait en chinois alors qu’on était à 1 mètre d’elle. Bref, repas avalé en vitesse et plus jamais on reviendra. À bon entendeur.

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