Tower Brasserie & Café i Helsingør

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkTower Brasserie & Café



🕗 åbningstider

1230, Stürups Plads, 3000, Helsingør, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 49 21 26 70
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.0336452, Longitude: 12.6070193

kommentar 5

  • Luis ST

    Luis ST


    Great service, Best burger ever "Las Vegas Burger!!! "🙂👍

  • da

    Jonas Nielsen


    Store portioner og god smag til en fair pris

  • Sanne Larsen

    Sanne Larsen


    Fin betjening samt venligt og hjælpsomt personale

  • de

    ergul sarac


    wo der Service sehr gut und Dienstleistungen. Frühstück und Abendessen sind sehr, sehr gut. die Arbeit und Arbeiter sind freundlich und gut. .....hvor tjenesten meget god og tjenester. Morgenmad og middag er meget, meget god. der arbejder og arbejdstagere er venlig og god..

  • en

    Jacob Nielsen


    This is the place for those who desire bad service and worse food. If you are a group of three, and order as a whole, some of you will have as much as 20 minutes (without any explanation) to enjoy seeing your friends eating before the rest of the order arrives, after which point you can swap roles and let the others watch some eating. When it does arrive, you can have the pleasure of the driest, most burned and most tasteless lasagna on this side of the galaxy. If you order nachos you can enjoy chips covered in powder cheese along with some undefined green substance missing much relation to guacamole. Not to worry, though. This comes served on slightly dirty plates, not to confuse you about the standards of this place. Perhaps the utensils were left missing by purpose, to guard customers from having to actually eat this meal? On the positive side, the Pepsi Cola they pour tastes exactly like Pepsi cola normally does. We tried eating the food... gave up and settled for the three glasses of Pepsi. Upon arrival we noted that this place was not well visited, though the mall was full of people. Now we know why. One special meal experienced (if not actually eaten) and one mystery solved.

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