The Globe Irish Pub i København

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DanmarkThe Globe Irish Pub



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43-45, Nørregade, 1165, København, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 33 32 08 60
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.681741, Longitude: 12.5708761

kommentar 5

  • Hengameh Jamshidi

    Hengameh Jamshidi


    This is my favorite Irish pub in Copenhagen. They have a good selection of beer, along with various things hapoening there. One can watch sports matches there, make sure you should up earlier, otherwise find a place to sit/stand will be quite a challenge. Every other Thursday, The Globe holds a pub quiz, it is especially popular during the long dark danish winters.. pro tip show up an hour ahead (at least) if you want a table, and have some cash on you. The staff is probably one of the best things about this people, with their Irish accent and sense of humor. If you are into pubs you won't be disappointed. 100% recommend it.

  • Wouter Roosen

    Wouter Roosen


    I'm a regular at the Globe. It's a great Irish bar with a good selection of drinks and pub food. There are live performances, sports on big screens ( including rugby) and quiz nights. Service is the best you'll get in Copenhagen - they have a great team of waiters. It can get crowded on top sports nights!

  • Jon Lykke

    Jon Lykke


    One of my all time favorites in Copenhagen. Great crew, lovely atmosphere, delicious gastropub-style foods and an outstanding selection of both beers and spirits. You'll find something new every time you come here, while the stuff that makes you feel welcome fortunately remains the same.

  • Edoardo Gabardi

    Edoardo Gabardi


    Best pub in Copenhagen. Fantastic draft beer, really great food and superb staff. What could you ask more? Oh and the pub is very charming

  • pl

    Marcin Imielski


    Fantastyczne miejsce, wszelkiego rodzaju piwa duńskie i nie tylko

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