Tavex i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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16-22, Bernstorffsgade, 1577, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 11 15 10
internet side: www.tavex.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.6726202, Longitude: 12.5642913

kommentar 5

  • SillyMoo Hussain

    SillyMoo Hussain


    This is the worst, most fraudulent place to sell gold. I visited yesterday and the customer service rep servicing me wanted to buy my 22k gold at the price of 18k, despite the stamps. Following some tests which she did not do in front of me, she told me that for some reason despite the stamps the gold was 18k. I was almost going through with the purchase but as a gut reaction changed my mind at the last minute and walked out. She initially tried to reject my plea of changing my mind and only returned my goods when I was about to call the police. I sold the exact same gold at Nyfortuna today as 22K. So be careful and very vigilant in your dealings with this Estonian company. They are not Danish and hence don't care for any credibility/reputations risks in Denmark.

  • da

    Michael Jensen


    Det beste sted at udlandske valuta

  • Jasmin Emine Eleena Pehlivan

    Jasmin Emine Eleena Pehlivan


    De har den bedste kurs i forhold til de andre Veksel-kontore på hovedbanegården. Husk at gemme din bon, hvis du ønsker at veksle tilbage. Du sparer gebyret OG de veksler tilbage for den samme kurs som du købte valutaen. Dette gør de ikke på de andre kontore. Kan klart anbefales!

  • Nasr AL Lahloubi

    Nasr AL Lahloubi


    I have visited this place and there is no respect to the person or his time value

  • stefano moriggia

    stefano moriggia


    Fanno un buon cambio praticamente sempre... Commissione minima di 35dkk (ad oggi 31/03/2016 sono quasi 5€) State attenti in stazione che sembra quasi un ammasso di negozietti e girano borseggiatori, se dovete cambiare grosse cifre c'è anche la private room... Chiedete!! Il personale è molto gentile.

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