Sønderborg International school i Sønderborg

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DanmarkSønderborg International school


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14, Agervang, 6400, Sønderborg, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 74 43 01 10
internet side: www.sischool.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.9213569, Longitude: 9.7815373

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Asamba

    Sarah Asamba


    Amazing school with focus on each child. My child adapted so fast coz of the warm reception he received. If you are looking for a school for your child to grow all round then this is the right place.

  • en

    Stephen Hall


    First class school with high academic standards. Class sizes are around 15-20 students. Both my children are attending and we as parents are very happy with the schools focus on creating a good learning atmosphere with a strong anti-bullying policy.

  • double games

    double games


    Decent school, very small classes. Anker didn't tell me to write this. Some teachers are debatable.

  • Salaar Kamal

    Salaar Kamal


    I have been studying in this well known exceptional school for 4 years now and the time I have spent Here has been amazing so far. This School has taught me how to speak Danish (I'm not Danish) and has helped me with everything so far. This is simply the best school. XKappes

  • Henning Taestensen

    Henning Taestensen


    Good school accredited by Cambridge in the U.K. Relative small classes, my son has been in the school for 9 years now. It easy to get in contact with management and staff. Good motivated staff.

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