Skanderborg Lake Camping i Skanderborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSkanderborg Lake Camping



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21, Horsensvej, 8660, Skanderborg, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 86 51 13 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 56.0211382, Longitude: 9.8904284

kommentar 5

  • en

    Peter Kluge


    Absolutely worsest hospitality I ever found in Scandinavia. We arrived with our Camper and Trailer End of August at 9 pm (Already dark). We had 3 kids with us at the age between 13 and 16. The sign in the office indicated "we are open until 9pm". The office was closed, so I rang the bell. Mrs. "Camping" came out and told us. "We have no space for a big car!". Hä??? My car is a VW LT (Same as Mercedes Sprinter). Many RV's are much bigger than this. The trailer was just 3.5m. The campsite was obviously empty, no people there. I told them we need some space for our kids for one night, because they sleep in tents. We have no space inside the car to sleep with 5 people! In the meanwhile her husband came to her and he also told us that they do not have any space, and we should go on the highway and sleep at the gas station or whereever. How can we sleep at the gas station? We can't erect tents at the gas station! She said: "Yes that's truth, but this is your problem.... Go away!!!" I always thought the world becomes better, but such unfriendlyness we had also 2000 years ago. Lukily my wife was not pregnant. So if someone comes in this area, make a big bow around this campsite!!

  • Motorkleding Zaanstad

    Motorkleding Zaanstad


    Nice camping. Clean toilets and sanitaire. Friendly host. Good place tot camp, but it was the only camping where we were not allowed to leave before 08 00 AM, because the gate closed during the night. We found it funny

  • M.L.W. Lathouwers

    M.L.W. Lathouwers


    I arrived here at 22:00, a sign on the door said 'reception open till 22:30, ring the bell to check-in' so I did. Someone litteraly walked up to the door, put the sign away and closed the gills without even looking at me. It is one thing that you don't like to have campers who don't book in advance but not even take a moment to tell me is very antisocial... My advice is to look for a place that actually likes campers on their campsite...

  • Benjamin Eg

    Benjamin Eg


    A really beautiful and cozy camping site. It seems a little bit old, but it's okay. The prices are a little bit high when you think of the facilities. Would recommend it for people who just wants to relax.

  • Petter Budt

    Petter Budt


    Good showers and toilets. Cheap cabins. Quiet and well behaved

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