Sct. Albani Church i Odense

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSct. Albani Church


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1, Adelgade, 5000, Odense, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 66 12 16 64
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Latitude: 55.3963749, Longitude: 10.3910621

kommentar 5

  • Tao Sicka

    Tao Sicka


    I was there for the Polish Easter service, and the way the priest was talking to people was horrible, he was basically screaming at us, and even talking badly about Denmark and Danish culture.. I do not agree that people in Denmark thinks that it is more important to be beautiful on the "outside", and then the inside not ''good'' . If the priest do not like beeing in DK then why is he here? No wonder why there is not so many people in the church on a Sunday service... It looks like the prist is quite negative person, not warm, screaming at people. Why should we come to church service to his bad talk??

  • Britta Schmidt

    Britta Schmidt


    Katholische Kirche, kann man sich mal anschauen.

  • Peter Michel

    Peter Michel


    Schön anzuschauen.

  • Wanchalerm Krittakanee

    Wanchalerm Krittakanee


    The one church which you can see from long distance.

  • 張小銓



    I like this tallest building in this small town

nærmeste Kirke

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