Schleisner Rens City i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSchleisner Rens City



🕗 åbningstider

12, Vester Voldgade, 1552, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 11 00 37
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6771832, Longitude: 12.5674351

kommentar 5

  • Niklas Joensen

    Niklas Joensen


    I had my suit dry-cleaned for my brothers wedding. They completely ruined it with burn marks on the sleeve and on the back. Not only that, they did not say a word and I first noticed it on the day of the wedding. When I went by to get them to compensate for it, they claimed I must have moths at home and they were not liable in any way. A word to the wise - Never get your clothes cleaned here.

  • Adam Suqi

    Adam Suqi


  • Maria Pyshna

    Maria Pyshna


    I've been to Schleisner Rens to get my wedding dress ironed. When I unpacked it at home, I saw that the sleeves are torn!! The staff didnt tell me a word about that, though I'm sure they saw it! It was late evening already, the wedding was next morning, it was a catastrofy. I tried later to contact the company via their web-site, complain, ask for a refund. Noone ever answered me.

  • en

    osama ahmed


    The best Luxury Dry cleaning in the whole City. Never have had i got such a great experience anywhere else then here. Good hospitality, great management and best of all they are affordable. I will suggest everyone to come and try this Dry cleaner.

  • Jinhong Zhang

    Jinhong Zhang


    It is my first time to send clothes to wash there, but it turned out to be a horrible experience. My new dress where I only used few hours and sent to wash (it wasn't even dirty), the first time I went to pick it up, it got dirtier than I first sent. So the shop said they would like to have a second try. But the second, third, fourth!!! After the fourth time, the dress is still not clean, every time when I try to pick it up it has new dirty mark somewhere else than last time. Now the dress looks like half year old and the shop even refuse to return the washing fee! Unbelievable!

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