Scandic Jacob Gade i Vejle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkScandic Jacob Gade


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8, Flegborg, 7100, Vejle, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 76 70 00 00
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Latitude: 55.7101736, Longitude: 9.5305622

kommentar 5

  • en

    Suzanne Haynes


    1st night was comfortable. 2nd night they forgot to clean and freshen room. Overall a great location, family events held in the park. Below is a view from our 1st floor room.

  • Mads Pedersen

    Mads Pedersen


    Only attended a one day event, nice room too bad that there are only few parking spots at the hotel, but there are parking house near by

  • en

    Barbara Brienz


    It's a tat simplistic, but I enjoy their down filled pillows and blankets. Thumbs up for that one!

  • Alonso Zamora

    Alonso Zamora


    I have started here many times and it is consistent and good. The breakfast is generous and they even have some dairy free options now. Parking used to be free, now you have to pay every day, which is annoying.

  • Christoffer Haaland

    Christoffer Haaland


    Fantastic hotel. We came in late and were able to check in without a problem. The hotel has a nice location, close to Legoland, which was key for us. The rooms are spacious with a nice view over a park, the breakfast was good and we were able to use a free parking house 3 min walk from the hotel.

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