Scandic Eremitage i Kongens Lyngby

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DanmarkScandic Eremitage


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230, Klampenborgvej, 2800, Kongens Lyngby, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 45 88 77 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.7721862, Longitude: 12.5076079

kommentar 5

  • Ingela Adamsson

    Ingela Adamsson


    Då vi bott hör många gånger och verkligen trivts bokade vi en svit för att lyxa. Den var dock inte så lyxig. Inga mattor. Kallt. Säng som var höj och sänkbar som inte fungerade. Smutsigt. Iskallt badrum. Inte badrockar eller tofflor som ingick. Vi fick byta till annat rum. Det var bättre, men fortfarande ingen värme i badrummet. Hur tänker man då? Restaurangen stängd lördag o söndag vilket blir ett minus. Plus är det centrala läget och köpcentret i botten av hotellet. Få se om vi törs bo här igen.

  • Torben Haubro

    Torben Haubro


    Blev opgraderet

  • en

    Laura I


    Weird entrance for a hotel. The entrance is inside the shopping centre. The hotel itself is decent. It is clean but old and not very well maintained. The breakfast is also good. Overall I would say it’s average. It’s a good place to stay for a 1-2 days

  • Natth J

    Natth J


    The biggest chain hotel in Denmark, my review is for the standard/family room. The hotel is located right in the middle of everything, it is close by every mayor shopping center. The interior design is pretty much standard looking. The room it self is decent and yet again quite standard nothing special. The hotel is pretty well kept, it's clean as it should be. For the price I expected it to be better looking, so I was a little bit disappointed. The wifi was amazing and so was the breakfast buffet, a good varieties to choose from! Although I only gave it 3 stars is purely based on what you get for your money, there are a lot of inexpensive hotels in Denmark for half the price of this one.

  • Love Håkansson

    Love Håkansson


    I liked this hotel very much. Rooms were nice, staff helpful, and free indoor parking were some of the things to mention. The town of Lyngby is surprisingly nice with some really nice restaurants within just a couple of minutes walk from the hotel. The train station is approximately 10 minutes walk, and frequent trains take you directly to the Copenhagen city centre.

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