Sankt Petri Church i København

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DanmarkSankt Petri Church


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2, Sankt Peders Stræde, 1453, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 13 38 33
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Latitude: 55.6800569, Longitude: 12.5707868

kommentar 5

  • Narayan Tikare

    Narayan Tikare


    Church Tower of St Peters. This is again one of the tallest towers of Copenhagen.

  • Natalya Rampersad

    Natalya Rampersad


    Very plain church but the organ is great and the art work is pretty interesting

  • Lee Cherry

    Lee Cherry


    St. Petri kirke. (St. Peters church). It wasn't on the map, but I saw a sign to go in. The church itself is very plain and boring. But pay 25kr and get the key. The attendant opens a secret door and viola a mosoleum from the 1600s containing the bastards of the kings, prominent families and leaders of Denmark. Jackpot if you like funerary art and history

  • en

    Viktor Soma Gulyás


    Nice church

  • Diego Alonso

    Diego Alonso


    The church itself has nothing especial, but the statue about the death in the garden is totally worthy to check.

nærmeste Kirke

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