Roskilde Cathedral i Roskilde

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DanmarkRoskilde Cathedral


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3, Domkirkepladsen, 4000, Roskilde, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 46 35 16 24
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Latitude: 55.6426377, Longitude: 12.0804491

kommentar 5

  • pealla tv

    pealla tv


    Old bricks called munkesten was used to build Roskilde Domkirke

  • Pranit Anand

    Pranit Anand


    Some fine views available of the Cathedral from a relative distance. Generally unremarkable.

  • en



    This church is a must see if you are visiting Roskilde or if you just have time to spare while visiting Copenhagen. The breath taking royal tombs takes you on a history trough the ages as you witness the various styles used by the different rulers for that graves, with the tomb of Magrethe I as the centrepiece. The church is also beatyfull, and it is easy to see how important it has been trough the ages. The prices are also cheap, with it costing only 60kr for an adult there really is no reason to not see this spectacular sight.

  • en

    Clifford Rosen


    Beautiful building with a lot of interesting stuff inside.

  • Michael Kraus

    Michael Kraus


    This was pretty cool, wouldn't go out of my way to see it. There's a bunch of royalty buried here that you've likely never heard of. But if you're there it's worth seeing.

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