Rosenborg Castle i København

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DanmarkRosenborg Castle



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4A, Øster Voldgade, 1350, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 15 32 86
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Latitude: 55.6858274, Longitude: 12.5772687

kommentar 5

  • Satish Chandran

    Satish Chandran


    Beautiful castle with interesting stories attached to it, most notably that of the trouser wetting chair, the King's toilet etc. The Great Hall is impressive. This 400 year old castle is a good place to visit. Entry fee applicable. Close to the town centre. Free entry with the Copenhagen card. Highly recommended.

  • Michał Drwal

    Michał Drwal


    A tiny palace in the middle of a park that holds the old and rare (and sometimes quirky) objects of the Royal Family. Four stories, a basement and a treasury are packed. Interesting snapshot of "living large" 400 years past (the royals have not lived in the palace since 17th century and they used it as storage). You can see casks with 300 years old wine, crowns and jewels in the treasury, a whole room dedicated to summer holiday memorabilia from Venice. Give it a 1.5 hours, which is enough time and then picnic in the park or go to the Botanical Gardens. Due to the limited space can get crowded quite easily. As everywhere in Copenhagen - the service is impeccable and the staff very friendly and helpful.

  • David Morfin

    David Morfin


    Very disappointing. If you're going to Copenhagen for the first time, I would recommend checking this out first, because the crown jewels are impressive, but everything else pales miserably compared with every other museum and castle I visited. The rooms were dim, dirty, and dust covered. Many of the items were damaged and didn't appear to have ever been cleaned or restored. The information "app" was really just a web page, the only way to get to it after signing on to their captive portal was to scan one of the few QR codes on a handful of the displays, and navigation was difficult when when the items were cataloged (when they weren't there was no way to get more information, unless maybe you'd paid for their guidebook). The guards all looked like they wished they could be anywhere but there. The jewels in the basement were impressive, and the grounds were lovely, but the interior upper floors just felt shabby. Christianborg Castle was much cleaner and more beautiful, and the museums like the David's Collection were much more informative.

  • en

    Nicole Wickenheiser


    Such a beauty if a castle! Visiting here was easy access using city transit making the venture out within young family very fun. Upon entering the grounds we were in love with the building. Once we’d walked inside and even our young ones were able to Appreciate the history the castle had to shared. We loved every second, but most of all viewing the crown jewels. It’s a sight for every wanna bebpeoness!

  • en

    Shaun Maloney


    Amazing castle. More modern than most I've visited though. Amazing artworks and statues. The throne room is a must see obviously. The crown jewels are then in the basement. Me and my friend debated whether they were the real ones or not, but we'll never really know. Handy maps in many languages available so easy to see where you are. The grounds are also stunning.

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