Østerbro Library i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkØsterbro Library



🕗 åbningstider

19, Dag Hammarskjölds Allé, 2100, København, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 66 30 00
internet side: bibliotek.kk.dk
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Latitude: 55.694694, Longitude: 12.58141

kommentar 5

  • Flemming Ernst

    Flemming Ernst


    Very big library. Kind and helpful staff. Great place for working on laptops. Ok (and cheap) hot drinks machine. You can even lock yourself in from eight o'clock in the morning (opens officially at ten o'clock) using your Danish yellow card.

  • en

    Darius Dubickas


    Good selection of books plus has a good coffee machine.

  • Christian Rishøj

    Christian Rishøj


    Print og kopi til kl. 22 — også på helligdage

  • Sebastian Mohr

    Sebastian Mohr


    Good selection of (mostly Danish) literature. Only few places to sit and work

  • Hörður Christian Svansson

    Hörður Christian Svansson


    Very friendly and nice service. Easy to find what you´re looking for. There are many public computers you can use to surf the internet for free. There are lounge areas, kids areas and my favourite: science-fiction area. If you have a danish social security number, you can register and via password you can use the library after closing time.

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