Konventum i Helsingør

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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70, Gl Hellebækvej, 3000, Helsingør, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 49 28 09 00
internet side: konventum.dk
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Latitude: 56.0510607, Longitude: 12.5848152

kommentar 5

  • en

    מרב ניב


    Set in a beautiful scenery, this somewhat simple hotel has modern artworks hanging on its walls, plenty of sofas, chairs and (free!) coffee machines. Lovely lawns for good weather make this place a perfect resting place. If I ever write a book and need a perfect place to do it - this would be the place!

  • Daniel McDonald

    Daniel McDonald


    Great place to stay. Good accommodations. We spent some time in Helsingør and also took the train from Snekkersten station to Copenhagen. They serve a delicious breakfast buffet. They setting is gorgeous, exceptional art and fabulous natural surroundings. Stay here instead of in the city, you won't regret it

  • Peter h-r

    Peter h-r


    Very nice place with cool art and great location with view of the sea and Helsingborg. The food was very good, vegetarian food could be a bit more interesting though. Rooms simple and a bit worn buy comfy beds. Great to go running in the surroundings.

  • Julie Wolf Broge

    Julie Wolf Broge


    Nice venue for a conference. Great location. Rooms are comfortable. Good facilities. Nice buffet. Would be an improvement if glutenfree and non-dairy alternatives were automatically available on the buffet!

  • Raymond Cannon

    Raymond Cannon


    I have been to computer conferences here several times and will go again. Other than the poor lighting , the bedrooms are good. The food excellent. The building are beautiful. The facilities very good. Access from Copenhagen airport is very simple and cheap via train and bus. I am looking forward to my next visit.

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