Køge Museum i Køge

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DanmarkKøge Museum



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4, Nørregade, 4600, Køge, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 70 70 12 36
internet side: www.koegemuseum.dk
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Latitude: 55.456816, Longitude: 12.183046

kommentar 5

  • Kristian Bo Hintz

    Kristian Bo Hintz


    Et af de bedste bymuseumer der findes. Både for børn og voksne.

  • da

    Peter Bakke Pedersen


    Et meget interessant sted at få et stykke Danmarks historie, prøv det man bliver overrasket. God fornøjelse.

  • Mads Haupt

    Mads Haupt


    Fantastic museum with a wonderful co-operation of technology. When you start you will be handed an Ipad and the guide will explain to you how it works. It has two exhibitions and the first an normal historic exhibition and then a special exhibition with a build-in-story. It's a bit pricy though, but worth it if you take the time.

  • Azim Charles

    Azim Charles


    I like history and this Museum is great collection of story.

  • Cosmin Cătălin Sanda

    Cosmin Cătălin Sanda


    This is a small museum that displays various articles discovered at archaeological sites in the vicinity and also portraits provincial Danish way of life up to the 18th century. Information in English is extremely limited.

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