Københavns Synagoge i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkKøbenhavns Synagoge


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12, Krystalgade, 1172, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 12 88 68
internet side: www.mosaiske.dk
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Latitude: 55.6811253, Longitude: 12.5735816

kommentar 5

  • Søren Ulfkjær

    Søren Ulfkjær


    Guds hus

  • Gady Piazza

    Gady Piazza


    Orthodox synagogue in a big, empty, but still nice building.

  • Kenneth Nguyen

    Kenneth Nguyen


    Not really a place you can visit, but right outside the fences is the home of the most famous puddle in Copenhagen and probably also the most photographed puddle in the world. I guess it's a Instagram thing.

  • Lee Cherry

    Lee Cherry


    Built in 1853 and as beautiful as ever. The Cantor was a convivial tour guide, giving us an apercu into the history of Jewish Copenhagen and of the building itself. It's regrettable that you have to make an appointment way ahead of time and go through layers of security, but it seems to be the modus operandi these days. If you can, by all means visit, there are little treasures hidden in dark corners and new light shining in.

  • en

    Siddharth Dasari


    Haven't been inside but the puddle outside this place is a popular spot for photographers to get a reflection shot of the round tower/rundetaarn

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