Københavns Hovedbanegård København, DK

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkKøbenhavns Hovedbanegård


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16, Bernstorffsgade, 1577, København, DK Dania
kontakter telefon: +45 70 13 14 15
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.672689, Longitude: 12.5648692

kommentar 5

  • Morten Henn Nielsen

    Morten Henn Nielsen


    The Station Hall is closed at night (also see the photo from DSB's website): Monday - Thursday: 02.15-04.30 Friday - Saturday: Not Closed Sundays and public holidays: 02.15-04.30 When the Station Hall is closed, there is access to / from the platforms via Tietgensgade.

  • Emma



    Be careful. Some pickpockets. A friend of mine got robbed and lost her money and passport! Also, by night, it might get dangerous. Bare in mind that the 7/11 shops in it don't sell train or metro tickets there. You have to buy them at the machines. It is also a great spot to take the bus to go to the airport, aside from the train. The bus stop is located outside and you get your ticket at the machines too. To find your train, you have to look at the screens on top of each stairs leading to the train racks. They indicate the train number and the minutes left before the arrival of the train. The visual confirmation is the name of the train (it will say Copenhagen airport) and all the fellow passengers with luggage who get in the train with you! Same thing for the bus. The number and their minutes left before its arrival will be indicated in other screens next to the exit of the station. My advice is: Go with enough time to identify all these things (like when you get to Copenhagen for example. Don't wait the day of your departure to find out how to go to the airport on time...). It is logical and easier than it might seem at first.

  • en

    Giuditta Marzorati


    Open all nigth long. Good offer in terms of services. Plarforms well indicared

  • ByeongHoon Choi

    ByeongHoon Choi


    코펜하겐 중심에 있는 가장 큰 역. 다른 라인들로 환승 가능한 중요한 역입니다.스웨덴 등 타 국가로 나가는 기차를 탈 때도 이곳에서 타야해요. 시내 한 가운데 있고 옆에는 티볼리 공원이 위치해 있습니다. 다만 큰 역이다 보니 플랫폼 변경이 자주 일어나서 체크를 수시로 해야 한다는 점이 좀 아쉬웠습니다. 여행 첫 날 기차 옆자리에서 만난 분이 가르쳐준 앱인데 앱스토어에서 Rejseplanen이란 앱을 다운 받으시면 교통편에 대해 쉽게 알 수 있어요. 기차,자전거,도보,버스 다 보입니다.

  • Michał Krakowski

    Michał Krakowski


    Super dworzec. Wzór dla Polskich Kolei.

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