KING of KEBAB i Svendborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkKING of KEBAB



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2, Gåsestræde, 5700, Svendborg, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 62 22 34 84
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.059078, Longitude: 10.6070136

kommentar 5

  • Naji Alyami

    Naji Alyami


    Other.Kabab shop.on the back is better taste of Kabab and Pizza

  • Lasse Møller

    Lasse Møller


    Best Kebab on Funen!

  • None of your business

    None of your business


    Maybe the best kebab place in the world. If you're there, try out the "Luksus Kebab-Kylling Sandwich", simply stellar! It's even fairly priced.

  • Egor001



    Ate at this place nearly every day for two months on a study abroad trip. Holy cow, you've got to try it. Incredible value, and that's coming from an American.

  • Danitron



    Skimpy meat cannot get over 2 stars, minus another for stacking it unevenly so 1/2 my bites were without meat. Veges were also thrown on and stacked unevenly, then sprayed on enough white sauce for 12 durums, while only putting on a dash of the tzatziki i actually asked for. He served 4 people before serving me for some reason!? Then had some attitude when I asked him for mine now, maybe he was waiting for my friends pizzas... I've been here a dozen times while working in the area for a quick bite and is always the same, and I always have to stop him from the white sauce. Next time I'll split ways when my team wants a pizza (which I'm told are pretty good).

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