Juul's Vin & Spiritus i Frederiksberg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkJuul's Vin & Spiritus



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15, Værnedamsvej, 1819, Frederiksberg, DK Dinamarca
kontakter telefon: +45 33 31 13 29
internet side: www.juuls.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.6741571, Longitude: 12.5497314

kommentar 5

  • Niklas Wilke

    Niklas Wilke


    Bästa spritbutiken i Köpenhamn. Strålande service, och de erbjuder nästan alltid lite smakprov om man är osäker på någon produkt.

  • Alex D'Amore

    Alex D'Amore


    One of my favorite shops in Copenhagen. The staff are incredible and can give you a full lesson on each product. Best selection in Denmark as well. A gem.

  • Kim Hansen

    Kim Hansen


    Good service and huge selection, staff is good to answer any questions about the variety of products. Prices are low compared to the quality of products. I have found a lot of new products that I didn't know, they are now my favorite selection of new brands and products. Among them are umeshu from Japan, the royal jelly honey and the absolute best 24K gold edition, French single malt whisky aged in cognac barrels and a huge selection of the best whiskey, rum, gin, vodka and rare products as Moonshine in jars.

  • Emma Cobert

    Emma Cobert


    The customer service here was superb, especially given my lack of Danish skills. The selection definitely seemed unique and would rival many specialty shops worldwide, not just in Copenhagen. They had interesting local options for wine and spirits, and the spirits selection in particular was both diverse and unique.

  • en

    Simon Søkilde


    An experience way above my expectations, even though I got it recommended for buying spirits. High-end customer service and they take their time for you, even at this busy Christmas time. Huge selection. Would strongly recommend.

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