IKEA Taastrup i Taastrup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkIKEA Taastrup



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

15, Mårkærvej, 2630, Taastrup, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 70 15 09 09
internet side: www.ikea.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.6592058, Longitude: 12.2866576

kommentar 5

  • Nina Worsøe

    Nina Worsøe


    Due to better parking layout, this IKEA is preferable to the one in Gentofte. The restaurant is a little industrial in terms of atmosphere, but it does the job. Friendly and helpful staff and so far they have had what I needed. I especially appreciated the service where you could get the particular screws by the unit and donate 2 kr to a charity to pay.

  • malik khizar

    malik khizar


    Copenhagen biggest store. Very good items and cheap prices and good quality items

  • Vinicius Correia

    Vinicius Correia


    If they don't have it here, they don't have it in the smaller Ikeas. Huge store, but good selection.

  • en

    Azn Bruh


    Great place to get your furnitures. Good selection and low prices.

  • Steve Cross

    Steve Cross


    It's got everything you need and expect from an ikea. Parking is fine. Access is good.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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