Fermentoren Aarhus i Aarhus

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkFermentoren Aarhus


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24, Nørregade, 8000, Aarhus, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 61 51 82 68
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 56.1611961, Longitude: 10.2098501

kommentar 5

  • en

    Diego Cuenca


    Cozy candle-lit beer bar. Awesome beers and great atmosphere. A perfect place to start the night.

  • en

    Mikkel Jensen


    A quite decent place to get a good beer. The room is slightly dark which might be considered either cozy or unappealing. Remember you can sample the beer before buying it!

  • Martin Damgård Nielsen

    Martin Damgård Nielsen


    Nice place to meet with friends for a few craft beers on tap. Also ideal for couples who are into candle 🕯️ light and a cozy atmosphere. Prices are fair and most of the beers can be bought in two different sizes. The 20+ beers on the whiteboard changes regularly and there is also a few snack options👍

  • en

    Jonas Elm


    Fermentoren has a good selection of draft beers and is one of my go to places for a good beer in Aarhus. However, in my opinion the place is a little bit too dark and they seriously needs a ventilation system. The place is so damn humid that its dripping down every walls and windows. Although the beer remains good ...

  • Eric Sutherland

    Eric Sutherland


    Excellent craft beer bar! Pros: - Fantastic selection of beers on tap, with selections changing often. - Music is not too loud, so the atmosphere is quite conducive to conversation. - Service and staff are (in my experience) very nice, attentive and happy to give samples and get you set up with the correct beer experience. - Unpretentious atmosphere; the kind of place where rich, poor, young, old, Danish, Foreigner can come and enjoy a good brew. - Sensual candlelit atmosphere. (can be good depending on situation) Cons: - Poor ventilation in the bar, so on a busy night it can get QUITE stuffy. - Sensual candlelit atmosphere. (can be bad depending on situation) Tl;dr -> Pros outweigh the cons and this is possibly the best bang-for-your-kroner beer bar in town.

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