Færgekroens Brewery i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkFærgekroens Brewery



🕗 åbningstider

3, Vesterbrogade, 1630, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 75 06 80
internet side: www.faergekroen.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.67411, Longitude: 12.5698333

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kiki Mykkänen


    Beautyful location, but the cheat on you! We ordered half a litre of beer, but the glass was not filled up to the mark. I complained right away that the glass was not filled, but I was told that they can't help it, because the amount of beer was programmed. They did not fill up the glass for me. So the cheating is systematic, not a sloppy bar tender. Think twice uf you want to support such ab business by going there.

  • vince laliberte

    vince laliberte


    It's a cold, rainy day. The hours on Google, Facebook, and website say open. I took a train, a bus, and walked around Tivoli multiple times. All of us soaked, keep assuming we are missing the entrance. It's closed. Everything says it is open. No idea why in 2018 a busy place like this can't update their hours online.

  • Ola Stępnik

    Ola Stępnik


    I was very unfortunate to have a chat with very condesending and rude customer service represenative when I tried to make a reservation. I don’t think I’ll decide to visit this place in the future for that reason.

  • Carmel Anderson

    Carmel Anderson


    Good place to sit and warm up - blankets and heaters everywhere! View of the lake is ace and good hot chocolate 😊

  • Klaudija Filipova

    Klaudija Filipova


    The restaurant has a good location (indise Tivoli Gardens), which is around with green area, water and trees. The food was delicious, fresh and big portions. I like the ambient and the design. The service and staff were good.

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