Embassy of Canada i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkEmbassy of Canada



🕗 åbningstider

1, Kristen Bernikows Gade, 1105, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 48 32 00
internet side: www.danemark.gc.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.6796918, Longitude: 12.5823396

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Brauer

    Daniel Brauer


    Called for consular services. After navigating a clumsily spoken phone menu, I was directed to a voicemail which told me to call the very same number I had originally called.

  • Ib Bergen

    Ib Bergen


    As a former Emigrant to Canada I get some pension from Canada. I have problems getting a certain online account in order to communicate with CRA (Tax). I cannot reach the CRA or the Canadian Embassy here from Denmark. Where do I find a friendly email address?

  • en

    Oscar castillo


    there is no information for nothing in this embassy, I talked to a danish lady in the phone ofcourse not very nice.. and didint help for nothing.

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    Frnd Fremil


    I am a Canadian citizen and I am ashamed of the people supposedly representing our nation in Denmark. It was my first time in Copenhagen. While I was walking around downtown one afternoon I noticed the Canadian flag flying from one of the buildings and I realized that it was the Canadian embassy. Out of curiosity, I went inside to see if it was open. It was during the Canadian elections that time and I wanted to know how one went about voting in a foreign country. The office was completely open, with lots of people inside, so it definitely looked open. I made my way to one of the representatives, who rudely refused to have anything to do with me despite her being there in person behind the desk. Apparently, it was, according to her, "outside of consulting hours". She wouldn't even let me finish my question. Why bother keeping the doors open if you want nothing to do with people? Shameful.

  • en

    Maureen Holly Nielse


    Always very very helpful.

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