Elite Hotel Marina Plaza i Helsingborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkElite Hotel Marina Plaza



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6, Kungstorget, 251 10, Helsingborg, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 42 19 21 00
internet side: www.elite.se
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.0443411, Longitude: 12.6926036

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ghanim Jarrar


    Lovely place . Breakfast is a story . Location great . Friendly helpfully smiling employs

  • Alberto Pietrobon

    Alberto Pietrobon


    Great hotel, nice staff, good breakfast, plus it has a restaturant and a put for dinner and drinks. Recommended.

  • en

    Mickey Stirrups


    My preferred hotel in Helsingborg - rooms are nice, staff are friendly and there is both a good restaurant and a good pub on the ground floor! It's tongue-in-cheek 'English country pub' theme is a fun environment. Its next door to the ferry terminal so it's very easy to nip over to Denmark....

  • Christian Simonson

    Christian Simonson


    Nice hotel situated very beautifully just by the water. Very close to both the train station and the ferry terminal (50m). Had a great bar by the entrance where you will find all kinds of beers, a great selection of less known breweries. The hotel has an open space in the center which reaches all the way to the roof, quite spectacular. The breakfast buffet is very delicious.

  • Julia Ansved

    Julia Ansved


    Nice rooms with good breakfast. We had a nice view of the marina. Good isolation in the room, could barely hear the outside or anything from neighbouring rooms. Very comfortable beds. Also enjoyed a nice visit to the sauna but it was a little too hot to be able to sit there and relax for more than a few minutes.

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