Elgiganten i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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62, Amagerbrogade, 2300, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 70 80 70 70
internet side: www.elgiganten.dk
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Latitude: 55.6618786, Longitude: 12.6028931

kommentar 5

  • Andrei Trandafir

    Andrei Trandafir


    I had to return an item I bought and thry were super nice and everything went good. Also a good product range

  • en



    This is one of the worst customer experiences I have EVER had The two guys in the fronthouse were more interested in helping a friend, and ignoring everyone else. When I finally got assistance, by the girl in the counter, one of the guys , quite rudely interrupted, saying he had a question for the girl. I then lost my patience, and told him to wait. He ignored me and just talked on with the clerk. I had also reserved an item, which in the end they didn't have in stock. I payed and walked to the back entrance to pick it up, and where given a shrug and my money back.. How in the world can I be told that my item is reserved, when you do not have it??????

  • Liselle Angelique Evers Krog Awwal

    Liselle Angelique Evers Krog Awwal


    Not my favorite Elgiganten. The assortment compared to the others is unimpressive (often go home empty handed) and the layout is a bit peculiar.

  • Jacob Woetmann Bitton

    Jacob Woetmann Bitton


    Horrible entrance and feel in the shop. But they have badic electronics - tv sets, coffemachines etc.

  • Scott Dawson

    Scott Dawson


    A little bit messy looking inside with some information shown incorrect, certainly on some products I was looking at. The product I was buying, the price was wrong and actually it was double up to what shown in the store. Luckily I did my research prior to going.. so I knew the information on the items and prices.. conclusion; not a great shop for browsing but ok if you already know what you what and have researched it prior...

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