Dehlsen & Sons A / S i Rødovre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkDehlsen & Sons A / S



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187, Valhøjs Alle, 2610, Rødovre, DK Dinamarca
kontakter telefon: +45 38 10 05 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6724496, Longitude: 12.4359084

kommentar 4

  • da

    Sine Amelung


    Elendig service!!!!

  • da

    Sanne Mia Højmose


    Fantastisk dygtige og voldsomt venlige! Helt klart anbefalelsesværdige.

  • Bo Lü

    Bo Lü


    I would strongly not recommend this company to you, especially if you are private customers. They installed a radiator in my bedroom last September. Because the heating system in our building was turned on in November, and I never use the radiator in the kitchen, so I didn't notice anything wrong until my upstair neighbour asked me if I had heating in my kitchen, which was in December before Christmas. After I came back from holiday at the end of Feburay, I got an official complain from my upstair neighbour, until then I didn't realised it was the plumber who had mistakenly turned off the valve for the heating pipe for our kitchens. I contacted this company, and they sent a guy to check the problem. It was about 10 mins, and he solved the problem by turning on the valve. Later on I received a bill for about 1000 kr including the starting rate and service car for 430 ex. vat, and additional service car bill for 42.5kr and material fee 37 kr etc. I was shocked by the bill not only because it's about 1000 kr for 10mins work, but also because I never thought they dare to send this bill. They made the mistake, and it was less then 6 months, within the garanti period, so they shoud cover the cost. However they argued that I can not prove it was their fault, so they insisted that I had to pay the bill. There hadn't been any installation since them in our building, and our residents are not allowed to touch any of these valves on ourselves. So it can only be them who made this mistake. I checked online that other people had also experienced various problems with this company. Think about it, if you hire them to do some work, later on when you discovered something is not alright, and then it is too late, because they would probably accuse you or find some other excuses to put off their responsibility.

  • Lisa Hansen

    Lisa Hansen


    Super professionelle service!

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