Copenhagen Admiral Hotel i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCopenhagen Admiral Hotel



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24-28, Toldbodgade, 1253, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 74 14 14
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6819184, Longitude: 12.5938208

kommentar 5

  • Lasse Hansen

    Lasse Hansen


    Nice and clean room, but could use a makeover. Best customer service, so friendly and willing to help. All in all a very pleasant experience.

  • en

    Lucy Starling


    Lovely hotel with really friendly staff. The room was big and really clean. Great location - you can easily walk to all the main attractions.

  • Samantha Larsen

    Samantha Larsen


    Lovely rooms, clean, comfy beds and quiet. Breakfast was lovely lots of choice. Staff friendly and helpful. Very close to palace, little mermaid. Best location to be. Metro excellent and only 11 min walk away. Nyhavn even closer...lovely places to eat. Didn't have any bad food. Great place to explore Copenhagen.

  • Michael How

    Michael How


    Great hotel. Friendly staff. Good atmosphere. Warm and welcoming. Slightly thin walls so audio can travel. Didn't bother me, but may be an issue for light sleepers. TV is a little old school so couldn't cast to it from my phone. Great value though for the price and incredible location close the the harbour area and shopping. Would recommend!

  • Kim Bergdahl

    Kim Bergdahl


    Nice staff, excellent restaurant (Salt) with a lovely breakfast. The bar could possibly have a greater selection of beer, but the service was at least on point. The rooms are fairly basic, at least the ones facing the street, and not the harbor. Nothing to complain about, just nothing special. Overall I had a nice stay!

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