Christiansborg Palace i København

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DanmarkChristiansborg Palace



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1, Prins Jørgens Gård, 1218, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 92 64 92
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Latitude: 55.6762316, Longitude: 12.5805143

kommentar 5

  • en

    Keerthivash Chellamalai


    One can witness all the facets of a royal palace here if you have the Copenhagen city card or if you buy the complete package ticket. The palace has reception halls which is the main attraction followed by the royal kitchen and horse stable. I would recommend visiting the palace tower if you have the time. There is also the ruins of the older palace which is on display, but this is not worthwhile.

  • en

    Curro Leon


    Christiansborg Palace is a construction about you'll ask yourself what's exactly there if you are exploring the area. I reckon I was impressed by the imposing facade more than when being inside. Not everything is accessible to visitors, as it's the home of the Parliament, the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court. A positive aspect is that here, compared with other palaces or castles, you're not limited in your visit and you can take your time to examine the rooms, paintings, interior decor and even the books from the Queen's library. With a full ticket you can see the whole palace, the stables and the archeological traces of the previous Royal residencies over which the current one has been built.

  • Stephen Edwards

    Stephen Edwards


    Boring as it may sound, this is the reign of power in Denmark. Take a guided tour, visit the underground and learn of the three previous castles on this location. Recommended if you are in to history. I liked

  • Vincenzo Reale

    Vincenzo Reale


    Very beautiful building in the center of Copenhagen which I believe hosts the parliament at the moment. There is free access to the top of the tower (look for signs) which is worth for great views on the city (they say you can see as far as Sweden in clear days). However there is some queue to do and you have to do an airport style check to get up (with elevator) so take into account at least 20 minutes wait. There is also a restaurant at the top, and if you are not too tired you can come down by stairs.

  • en

    Robert Horňanský


    Very nice place to see. When you have good weather, make sure not to miss a spectacular view from the tower (it's free). Other things are paid but definitely worth the money. The royal rooms are my favorite, I think it is the most lovely part of whole Christiansborg. Stables and kitchen are smaller but nice visit as well. Underground is quite big and has very distinguished atmosphere. Only con is that it is usually quite crowded so think about time of your visit and prepare to spend couple of hours to enjoy everything.

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