Charlottenlund Fort Camping i Charlottenlund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCharlottenlund Fort Camping



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144, Strandvejen, 2920, Charlottenlund, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 44 22 00 65
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.74455, Longitude: 12.5849639

kommentar 5

  • en

    Pieter-Jan Muys


    Best camping I ever went to. Clean showers, clean ground, a kitchen, fridge. Everything you need! And by the sea! Loved it there.

  • Jack Walton

    Jack Walton


    Wonderful and interesting camping that really is perfect for a visit to Copenhagen. Amazing kitchen space, interesting surroundings and helpful staff. I'd happily visit again.

  • Michael Schmidt

    Michael Schmidt


    Small Camping site from which Copenhagen downtown can easily be reached by public transport or bike. Big and clean common area. Interesting for kids to explore the former fort

  • en

    J Smalley


    Campsite location and general look and feel is good. The problem comes at night, as the campsite is on a public park and so has full public access. Gangs of thieves operate the area. We awoke on the first night at 3 am to find a guy in the tent rifling through our stuff! When i reported it to reception, they said that was normal and we camped at our own risk. No security staff after 8pm, rude reception who cared more for their site money than the safety of campers- you will not feel safe. AVOID!

  • en

    Joshua Clodfelter


    Beautiful place to camp right near the ocean. The area was very secure which makes you feel more safe but it's still open for people to come in and out. Everything to get into the bathrooms/shower/ and common area was controlled by a key so that was kind of a bummer. Amenities were really nice and well taken care. Great place to stay

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