Avis Biludlejning Aalborg Lufthavn i Nørresundby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkAvis Biludlejning Aalborg Lufthavn



🕗 åbningstider

100, Ny Lufthavnsvej, 9400, Nørresundby, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 70 24 77 44
internet side: www.avis.dk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 57.0859823, Longitude: 9.8726929

kommentar 4

  • Kasper Berthelsen

    Kasper Berthelsen


  • Christian Ellegaard Andersen

    Christian Ellegaard Andersen



  • michael ramlsoev

    michael ramlsoev


  • Hielke van Oostrum

    Hielke van Oostrum


    Note to myself to NEVER EVER rent a car here again: Good afternoon Mr. Fisher, I’ve just received your letter, with regards to possible damage to a car, I’ve rented at AVIS on the 6th of September (rental contract x) For our accounting department I have enclosed a copy of that letter. Please note the following: You are stating that on return inspection you have found the windscreen cracked and will charge me an extra DKK 5000 (approx €650 EURO) The windshield on this car indeed had a minor crack, but it already had that when I picked it up at the collection point.I’ve noticed in the past that all cars in Scandinavia have some windshield damage (due to the split stones used in winter as antislip) and assumed this was normal wear and tear, such as dirty carpets or tyres wearing out. The car has been returned in exactly the same state (clean, undamaged and filled tank) as I’ve picked it up. Therefore: we can by no means accept this extra charge and I will advise our credit card company to completely hold payments to AVIS until this has been properly settled. Personally I find it very silly to charge €650 extra for a windshield on a one-day rent and will not use your service anymore anyway. This doesn’t add to the above, but does represent my feelings. I’m looking forward to your reaction,

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