Sögreni i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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30A, Sankt Peders Stræde, 1453, København, DK Danmark
kontakter telefon: +45 33 93 98 99
internet side: sogrenibikes.com
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Latitude: 55.6788772, Longitude: 12.5674399

kommentar 5

  • Geoffroy Sion

    Geoffroy Sion


    Renting a bike here might be more expensive but it comes with quality and full service. This store really bets on quality and you can feel it when riding around the city. The manager and employee were very nice and also very helpful when I asked them where to go for a nice visit of the city on a bike. Also, I definitely enjoyed the store itself, it's a dreamy place were you feel like you jumped back 50 years. It's like a tiny typical danish bike museum. I highly recommend this place, it made my trip more enjoyable.

  • Kolja Hebenstreit

    Kolja Hebenstreit


    Employe is friendly. Owner is the most unfriendly guy in whole of Copenhagen. Bikes are similar to mood of the owner. Stay away! -- Update as you asked (@Sögreni): Owner was shouting to employees as well as us. All of our trousers have been full of oil from the bikes. The bike of my wife fell apart on the way to the marathon and she hurt her leg pretty badly. The employe was super friendly though. I hope this helps.

  • en



    I rented from Sögreni for my five month stay in Copenhagen. Here is my honest feedback: First and foremost, the service is unlike any I have received in the past. Immediate, friendly, knowledgeable, always helpful even when I walk in during a busy time. Since I rented for a long period of time, they gave me maintenance free of charge, which was ALWAYS instantaneous and done within ten minutes. ZERO hassle. I rented my bike (the best bike I ever rode, may I add) for a period just short of my full stay there, and I was given an extra week and a half of my rental for about $10. Admittedly, the owner is not the friendliest character. But there is a reason for this. My observation was that many tourists came to the bike shop demanding things are done their way, with the price they desire, at their leisure. What they failed to understand is that Copenhagen is an incredibly expensive city, and these bikes come at a great discount relative to the BS you'll find elsewhere. I'm an avid biker - I did my research. My advice is to disregard the nonsense complainer reviews that only post to air their grievances. What you get at Sögreni is professional care for your bike from a world-class designer and an incredibly friendly and knowledgeable maintenance guy. I have recommended this bike shop to everyone traveling to Copenhagen. Perhaps my review sounds a little too positive but I simply did not have a negative experience at this shop. Rent and find out for yourself.

  • en

    alicia garcia


    Super nice bike shop, really brilliant design on their products. And staff are very attentive with their costumers, according to my experience. The Sögreni bell is a must for bike lovers, I enjoy my copper one every day!!

  • en

    Hadrien Maupard


    this place is awesome. Super nice people. Long opening hours, and always available for fast repairs. I don't understand the recent reviews. I highly recommend it

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