Cykel Chefen i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkCykel Chefen



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41, Nørre Søgade, 1370, København, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 71 45 50 73
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.682102, Longitude: 12.5616963

kommentar 5

  • Eva van tulden

    Eva van tulden


    Fantastic, fast and friendly service. Yahya from Cykel Chefen, Norre Sogade 41 is a wonderful cycle technician. Many thanks

  • Aleksandar Grbic

    Aleksandar Grbic


    Changed a tire there couple of minutes ago, great fellow working there. Not that he had only changed my tire but also did a full checked on the bike, put some extra oil on it etc. I brought a bike there around 6PM and everything was finished 40 minutes after.

  • en

    Liam Peterson


    Cash only, but the kind human operating this establishment allowed us to rent our bikes with the exchange of a drivers license and the promise we would return the next day with cash. That being said, bring cash.

  • en

    Rebecca Jackson


    Very friendly service, needed new chain and chain guard plus a bit of general bike maintenance...took less than 1 hour and very reasonable price for cph. Can recommend :)

  • Weera P

    Weera P


    I have just moved to live near by the shop 2 months ago. Every time I go to the shop, either shop owner or his partner fix my bike it nicely. All you need for the bike shop is one with honesty (not fool you to buy unnecessary stuffs), fair price, nice service mind and of course, your healthy bike again. Compared to the other 5 shops I have visited, this one is simply the best.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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