Uni Kopenhagen i København

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkUni Kopenhagen


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10, Nørregade, 1165, København, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45 35 32 26 26
internet side: www.ku.dk
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Latitude: 55.6802303, Longitude: 12.5724096

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Agsten

    Thomas Agsten



  • ko




  • Ben Peters

    Ben Peters


    Nice garden including indoor and outdoor space. Doesn't have a lot of information in English, but it's free so I would go if you have time.

  • ru

    Ольга Ползователь


    Прекрасный ботанический сад, созданный при университете. Советую всем посетить. Интересные растения, замечательный ландшафтный дизайн.

  • Barbara Cernosa

    Barbara Cernosa


    If you are deciding to do a study exchange here, please be warned there are some highly rasist professors on their board. Specifically, I went to ask the professor about a paper on talent acquisition in the HR Management class, and the professor nonchalantly told a 19-year old me he heard people from my country are the biggest communists (?), I guess expecting some sort of reaction from me, but I just stared at him confused in silence as my country had communists before I was even born and people faught a war to change that regime. Not sure how comments like that have any place at a University setting anyway. Later, when discussing rates of 'continuing education in Europe', he said there 'is probably a mistake in the numbers', when my country came up as high as Holland or Denmark. It's a bit insane you let people like that teach, and especially HR Management. I have studied in a number of countries but have never come across something like this.

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