Sct. Michaelis Kirkegård i Fredericia

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkSct. Michaelis Kirkegård


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30C, Vendersgade, 7000, Fredericia, DK Dänemark
kontakter telefon: +45
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Latitude: 55.5650873, Longitude: 9.7531143

kommentar 3

  • H. Maagaard

    H. Maagaard


    Interessant med den tyske oprindelse, garnisions kirke, og med mindesmærke samt begravelsen af de tyske faldne kl 3.00 om natten dengang i 1849.

  • Devan Roda

    Devan Roda


  • en

    Claire Williams


    This is a beautiful church. My great grandparents are buried here and it was a really beautiful experience to visit the site of their graves. I was impressed with the care the Danish people take with the upkeep of their graveyards, which are lovely and well manicured. I was a little disappointed that they had taken down the tombstones of some of our other relatives since my family that lives in Denmark couldn't afford to pay for it. But the church and the graveyard were one of the highlights of my trip. I traveled all the way from America to see it and it was worthwhile.

nærmeste Kirkegård

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