Sauntehus Castle Hotel i Hornbæk

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DanmarkSauntehus Castle Hotel


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50, Saunte Bygade, 3100, Hornbæk, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 49 75 03 15
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Latitude: 56.07409, Longitude: 12.48959

kommentar 5

  • Rafal Loretz

    Rafal Loretz


    Very nice interior and gardens.

  • Jesus M Diaz

    Jesus M Diaz


    Mediocre hotel with delusions of greatness This hotel puts itself on airs and we actually don't see any reason they should. Common areas are over decorated, full of furniture pretending to be fancy and antique, but are just old and tacky. But anyway this could depend on one's personal taste. Then the room. Small, very small, hot as you cannot imagine (almost impossible to sleep, and outside temperature was only 20°) and the bed and pillows uncomfortable as I never found before. The breakfast. Poor and absolutely overpriced. It is only worth it because you have absolutely none other option in sourranding area. But it is poor, very poor, with almost not variety and when something just run out of stock, the time to make it available again is loooooong ... The service. We saw few people but only talked to two persons: the guy who gave us the key of the room (the restaurant's waiter), who was kind but told us where was the room and nothing more. And last day some lady in administration. Do you know when someone is smiling you but what you feel is actually a crude rudeness? That was my feeling. She wasn't impolite and always with a wide smile, but all I could feel was rudeness and airs. It was uncomfortable and disgusting. And we didn't see the cleaning people, but we did see the same dead clothes moth in the floor of the room for the whole three days. The environment. Wonderful. The surrounding forests and the garden. The garden is so so beautiful and peaceful, I could stay there for days just wandering. Sadly our room was one of the very few facing some inside patio despite the hotel seemed to have plenty of free rooms. And the only one without a garden table in the little terrace.

  • en

    Lasse Poulsen


    Nice looking place, very pretty garden. Food was so-so but atmosphere was top class.

  • Mikkel Nielsen

    Mikkel Nielsen


    Good food. Everything else was less than mediocre.

  • Carsten Andreasen

    Carsten Andreasen


    Pretty fake place. But cosy. Don't expect a castle, but the service is nice

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