Quality Hotel Høje Taastrup i Taastrup

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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DanmarkQuality Hotel Høje Taastrup



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1, Carl Gustavs Gade, 2630, Taastrup, DK Denmark
kontakter telefon: +45 43 99 77 66
internet side: www.nordicchoicehotels.dk
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Latitude: 55.648183, Longitude: 12.2725856

kommentar 5

  • Massimo Marri

    Massimo Marri


    Good rooms, quiet and clean. The hotel is 2 min walking from the train station. From there you can take a train to the center. Wonderful breakfast.

  • Geoffrey Cooling

    Geoffrey Cooling


    Great hotel, rooms are large and well equipped. Breakfast was pretty good and there is a large buffet selection including hot food. Staff are all welcoming and there is tea and coffee making facilities in the room. A rarity

  • en

    John Doe


    Dirty and stinky place. Even the towels were stinky (scent of vinegar?). Basically, it was impossible for me to sleep there without having the window opened. In theory my room was for non-smokers but that was just a theory. For this kind of standard the hotel was additionally way too expensive. Not to mention the views... of the roof and other rooms. Have a look at the pics I took.

  • Arvid Blomberg

    Arvid Blomberg


    The threshold to the bathroom in my room was ripped off and the lower part of the door frame was disintegrating. The coffee at breakfast was horrible, the rest of the food was OK but nothing special. The price was pretty low, so I didn't mind too much. Then it turns out that they charged my card twice, so now I have to deal with that.

  • Claudio Tosi

    Claudio Tosi


    Nice hotel in the middle of a business complex. Not crowded at all. The rooms are in need of a brush up. They are really minimal but clean and tidy. Food in the restaurant is nice and well presented. Overall a good experience but the facility need a bit of improvement to be exceptional.

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